Interconnect will be at the Enlit Europe, former European Utiliy Week, that will take place in Milan, from November 30 to December 2.
The project will be represented by David Rua, project leader and INESC TEC’s senior researcher, in the EU Project Zone on December 1. “The participation in Enlit is an opportunity to showcase our innovation and how we are helping our partners to deliver competitive and interoperable solutions towards the decarbonization of the energy sector”, said David Rua.
Aroun 12 thousand attendees, 700 ehibitos and 350 speakers will be participating in the conference and ehibition for energy professionals. Enlit is a constantly growing, inclusive and end-to-end forum that addresses every aspect of the energy agenda. A community that for 365-days a year collaborates and innovates to solve the most pressing issues in energy.
More information and registration here