InterConnect is organising a Webinar series on Open Innovation and Personal Data Protection in the ICT and energy fields.
The first webinnar will be on the topic of Open Innovation. Daniel Vasconcelos, Intellectual Property Manager at INESC TEC’s Technology Licensing Office, will be speaking under the subject “Talking about open source in software development” on September 30 at 5pm (CEST).
About the webinar
The increasing digitisation of the world surrounding us led to the widespread use of software for several purposes. These software solutions help us knowing, in real time, the state of “things”, while interconnecting systems and controlling them more efficiently and intelligently. Thus, it is only natural that many of the results of the Interconnect project relate to software, either partially or totally.
Software development went through significant changes, and integrating software resources developed by others into our own solutions is quite common. Although it helps accelerating and promoting development, it also poses legal questions. There are multiple ways and different types of licenses to distribute software. Nonetheless, there may be conflicting interests between different entities – namely R&D institutes and companies – regarding the disclosure of the software source code, as well as the open source license.
It is important to point out that there are more than 200 types of open source licenses, and that many are incompatible with each other. The use of open source is similar to building with LEGO bricks. There are blocks with different colours and sizes. They allow us to build quickly, while helping others understanding the basic elements that make up the larger picture. However, we know that not all pieces fit perfectly and there are colours that can “look bad” in the presence of others.
About the author
Daniel Vasconcelos is Head of Technology Licensing Office at INESC TEC, scouting emerging technologies generated in the institute’s R&D activities. He teams up with researchers to evaluate strategies of IP valorization, namely through patents. Currently, he is in charge of a patent portfolio of 23 active and internationalized patent families on ICT and medical technology fields. Daniel has been doing several workshops on technology transfer and intellectual property rights in prestigious entities such as ASTP-Proton (NL), EPO (NL and DE), and CEIPI (FR), being a member of I3PM (International Institute for IP Management). He is invited professor at Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto for medical technology development (Biodesign) and Economics and Management courses.
Prior to this position at INESC TEC, Daniel was a researcher at i3S / INEB (U Porto) for 9 years, studying the immune response induced by implantable orthopedic biomaterials.
Daniel holds a PhD in Biomedical Sciences (ICBAS, U Porto + Universitats Klinikum Heidelberg), a MSc in Bioengineering (FEUP-ICBAS, UPorto and Université Paris 13), and a MSc in Innovation Economics and Management (FEP, U Porto).