“Towards the Interoperable energy ecosystem of the future” is the event organised by the InterConnect project for the Sustainable Energy Week – an initiative promoted by the EC. The event will be held in Brussels, on Sep. 27 and it will gather stakeholders working to digitalize the European electric sector. Representatives from the two Directorate-General of the EC directly involved in the project – DG ENER and DG Connect – are expected in the event to discuss the alignment of the new technologies and services, with the goals of the EC. The “Semantic Interoperability Framework”– one of InterConnnect’s main achievements – will be presented at this event. The role of the industry towards the interoperable energy ecosystem of the future is the motto for the discussion, with representatives addressing the necessary changes, the challenges, and the path to a more sustainable ecosystem. A technological showcase of the representative technologies developed in the project will be exhibited.
2:00–2:30 | Registration
2:30–2:45 | Welcome | David Rua (INESC TEC and InterConnect project coordinator)
2:45–3:15 | Keynote speaker: Svetoslav Mihaylov, Policy Officer, Internet of Things Unit (DG CONNECT), European Commission
3:15–3:45 | Keynote speaker: Angel Tarramera and Hrvoje Foretic, Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission | “Smart Home’s key: Interoperability of Energy Smart Appliances”
3:45–4:00 | Keynote Speaker: Alberto Dognini, RWTH Aachen University | “InterConnect and OPEN DEI – the results between H2020 projects cooperation”
4:00–4:30 | The Semantic Interoperability Framework | Fábio Coelho (INESC TEC) and Laura Daniele (TNO)
4:30–5:00 | Coffee break and technological exhibition
5:00–5:45 | The role of industry in the InterConnect project | moderator: Luís Seca (INESC TEC)
– Milenko Tosic (VizLore)
– Robert Bohm (EEBUS)
– Josef Baumeister (Bosch Siemens)
– Miguel Gonçalves (Schneider Electric)
5:45–5:50 | Final remarks | David Rua (INESC TEC)
5:50–6:30 | Networking and technological exhibition
More information at https://interconnect-energydays.inesctec.pt/