VITO is Belgium’s largest independent R&D organization on sustainable technology covering material management, chemistry, health, land use, and energy. In the area of Sustainable Energy, there is a strong focus on Demand-Response enabling activities, covering aspects from flexibility identification and modeling, over advanced nomination and control strategies (transactive energy management, multi-agent systems), to e-market design and multi-actor business case modeling.
The energy technology department hosts multi-disciplinary expertise related to electricity networks and heat networks including electrical and heat storage and conversion. In particular, there has been focus on using flexibility in buildings for large scale integration of renewable energy sources by leveraging building mass, energetic installations, consumer assets, and smart control for flexibility services. Since 2012, VITO is part of the EnergyVille association with the University of Leuven, University of Hasselt, and the R&D center IMEC. Jointly they focus on Renewable Energy Solutions (including novel PV solutions and building-related energy resources), Energy Efficiency, Interoperability, and Flexibility Management.
VITO is a prominent partner in the European Energy Research Alliance in the Joint Program on Smart Grids where they are leading the subprogram on Consumer and Prosumer Engagement through Digitalization and ICT. Next to this, they are actively involved in multiple other Joint Programs (such as Energy Storage and Smart Cities), as well as the ETIP-SNET and other European activities.