AUEB-RC (Athens University of Economics and Business – Research Centre) is a dynamic institution of higher education in Greece, which was founded in 1920. It is divided into eight departments including Economics, Business Administration, Management of Technology, Statistics, and Informatics, grouped into three schools. The academic staff of the University is about 200 and the number of undergraduate students in the University approximates 5000, while there are also about 2000 graduate students. Externally funded research is undertaken through the Research Centre (AUEB-RC) established in 1983. The Department of Informatics in the School of Information Sciences and Technology puts emphasis on research and graduate studies. The Mobile Multimedia Laboratory (MMlab: at AUEB is actively involved in ICT research. Τhe MMlab has internationally recognized expertise and experience in Internet technologies and extensive expertise and experience in security and trust issues and technologies, as well as in relevant implementation and integration activities. AUEB and the MMlab in particular, have extensive collaboration links with international research groups in industry and academia worldwide. AUEB’s MMlab is considered to be a pioneer in Information-Centric Networking (ICN). Specifically, the MMlab has participated in the FP7 ICT project PSIRP, the FP7 project PURSUIT which received the Future Internet Award in 2013 at the Future Internet Assembly (FIA), and the H2020 project POINT which investigated the advantages of applying ICN over SDN focusing on a single ISP. Current H2020 projects include SOFIE (Secure Open Federation of Internet Everywhere) and INTER-IoT (Open call), in addition to the recently finished H2020 projects FIESTA-IoT (Open call). Recent research activities include the investigation of distributed ledger technologies and inter-ledger mechanisms for open and secure federation of IoT platforms while supporting decentralized trust, data reuse, sovereignty and privacy, with pilots in the food supply chain, energy (smart meters and electric vehicle charging), and mixed reality games sectors; access control solutions based on delegation to semi-trusted third parties; efficient and robust data collection strategies with different accuracy, energy and privacy trade-offs; CoAP multicast extensions for IoT applications; and content-aware IoT data and control overhead optimization models in integrated satellite-terrestrial networks. The MMLab group has expertise on smart grid/energy mechanisms, in particular, renewable sources control, demand-response mechanisms, energy storage management, consumer behaviour modelling, incentive mechanisms, gamification approaches for energy-prudent behaviour, and mobile app user interface design.