Vizlore Labs

IoT/ ICT providers

VizLore Labs Foundation (VLF) is a private non-profit organization focused on innovative projects in all IoT verticals. Our mission is to lead regional ICT technology-related innovation and seed entrepreneurship culture. Our team comprises field experts in ICT and IoT systems, project management and business strategy development supported with experienced software and system engineers and developers.


VLF operates its own IoT data analytics and machine learning cloud platform extended to the IoT edge through our universal IoT controllers. The VizLore IoT platform is focused on enhancing the way people interact with their surroundings and boosts their experience in every aspect of their daily routines. The platform comprises cloud and edge computing segments thus following state of the art thinking in distributed computing and decision making.


For the last two years, VLF is pioneering R&D work related to the application of distributed ledger technologies and smart contracts in all IoT domains. The VizLore IoT cloud platform and edge controllers are utilized in our R&D projects across Europe and the US in the domain of smart spaces, smart mobility, and IoT projects spanning the food, water, and energy nexus.


VLF has close collaboration with the University of Novi Sad and organizes workshops, hackathons, and lectures related to the IoT systems and platforms. Additionally, VLF closely collaborates with the CASCADE institute at the Arizona State University in the domain of IoT systems for water and energy management. Finally, VLF selects among its most promising technologies/solutions to spin-off and accelerate new IoT business and services and ensure the business viability of its operation through related technology licensing.


VizLore LLC, SkySong, Suite 200 1475 N. Scottsdale Rd Scottsdale AZ 85257 Serbia