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If you are a student living in the dormitory of Campus Drie Eiken, know that you will participate in a live experiment to test gamification approaches to maximize energy consumption efficiency and peal shaving in the student community.

  • Dutch
  • English


You will receive periodic updates on when the energy consumption is preferred to optimize overall consumption in the building. You will be incentivized and motivated to collaboratively use common appliances to use them more efficiently. Incentives will be in form of discounts or free tokens for common appliances. We want to:

  • Use gamification to optimize student behaviour and provide energy services.
  • Provide Lammp with a collaborative platform to reduce overall energy consumption and ultimately, reduce management costs.

Technologies & Infrastructure

This pilot will deploy new technologies and solutions in 6 Student dormitories at Campus Drie Eiken, with 5 buildings: 108 student rooms, 5 kitchens and 1 laundry room. The following technologies will be intervened under the scope of this demo:

  • Gamification platform: Platform to incentivize and motivate students collaboratively reach energy reduction goals by modifying their consumption patterns, and to enable collaborative usage of common appliances in the student dormitory (new technology).
  • Smart shared whitegoods: Washing machines, dryers and dishwashers (to be installed) for the common areas that can be remotely controlled or managed by an interoperability middleware platform called DYAMAND (existing technology).

Shared whitegoods

washing machines, dryers, and dishwashers for common areas.

Smart metering

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From the InterConnect Consortium: