

Implementation of advanced Demand Response scenarios in residential setups

  • English
  • Greek
Large residential community with smart appliances and smart-home solutions

The Greek pilot of the InterConnect project will be conducted in three different cities: Athens, Volos and Thessaloniki. We will pursue to enroll residential consumers in our pilot and offer them the opportunity to familiarize with new technologies focused on the digitalization of the energy sector.



  • Demonstration of Demand-Side Flexibility services, through the active participation of large communities in energy markets.
  • Demonstration of IoT-assisted energy management, flexibility and interoperability across a wide range of both legacy and new smart appliances of different vendors.
  • Demonstration of home comfort automation services, including the integration of non-energy sensors (temperature, humidity, gas sensors, activity detectors, door/window sensors, cameras and more).
  • Energy demand predictions and recommendations (optimized DR decisions, energy forecasting, complex event processing, etc.).
  • Active engagement of residential end-users through mobile apps and incentives (energy cost, social responsibility, etc.) for understanding their energy consumption behavior and the continuous assessment of the solution/ application.
  • Demonstrate viable concepts that ensure privacy, liability, security and trust, by exposing only anonymized data out of user premises.

Technologies & Infrastructure

We will install 200 houses of HERON’s customers and equip them with real-time power meters. We will convert 70 households into smart-homes by equipping them with advanced end-to-end technological solutions offered by GRIDNET (50 houses) and COSMOTE (20 houses), including IoT gateways, sensors and power meters.


Real-time and historical energy consumption information per household.

Smart-home solutions

IoT assisted energy management and home comfort based on two open-source home automation frameworks (OpenHAB, homeassistant).

Mobile Application

Mobile App developed by AUEB for user interface/engagement purposes. Monitor energy consumption and remote control of devices.

Data Analytics

Data Analytics services by WINGS for recommendation and forecasting.

Flexibility Service

Optimized Demand-Response decisions developed by Inetum.

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