This document presents the standards and regulatory bodies impact plan and the participation of the consortium in several initiative of reference in the ICT and Energy domains
This document is a template and for the regular iteration of the follow-up of the pilot activities and to assess their status within WP6
This document contains all the relevant documents for the launch of the Prototypes Open Call of the InterConnect Project. The scope of this Open Call is Development and testing of novel interoperable-by-design applications or services for smart homes and grids.
This document is a first in a series of 10 documents that will be used to follow-up pilot activities and to assess their status within WP6.
This document is a first in a series of 10 documents that will be used to follow-up pilot activities and to assess their status within WP6.
This document is a third in a series of 10 documents that will be used to follow-up pilot activities and to assess their status within WP6 .
In this deliverable we outline the analysis of the explainability landscape within InterConnect and provide the references to data, implementations and code that are developed towards the goal of exploiting the semantic possibilities of SAREF towards easier integration of Machine Learning algorithms which form the elements of a middle layer between the applications and use cases and the various ML algorithms.
This document is a third in a series of 10 documents that will be used to follow-up pilot activities and to assess their status within WP6 .
This document is a third in a series of 10 documents that will be used to follow-up pilot activities and to assess their status within WP6 .
This document is a third in a series of 10 documents that will be used to follow-up pilot activities and to assess their status within WP6 .
This deliverable is part of the WP1.1 – Use Cases, Business Models and Services. It represents the outcomes of tasks 1.1 and 1.2 focused on human-centric and grid-centric services and business models definition.
This deliverable uses and develops the output and ongoing work of WP2 and other WPs.
D1.2 is a preparatory element for tasks 1.4 of WP1 (system use cases writing of selected services) and WP7 (Large-scale Demonstration and Integration of Solutions).
This deliverable is part of the WP4 – Smart Grids Framework for an Interoperable Energy System. It provides the functional specification of InterConnect DSO standard interface, defining its reference architecture and interoperability guidelines to enable the seamless implementation of implicit and market-based flexibility mechanisms technology and increase the value of DSO and consumers data.
This deliverable is part of the WP11 – Project Management. This document presents the Data Management Plan (DMP) of the InterConnect Project and it overviews on the data management procedures and good practices to be followed by the consortium in all field or demonstration activities.
This deliverable is part of the WP1 – Use Cases, Business Models and Services. This document is to detail the outputs of the InterConnect task 1.4 and which method has been used to do so.
This deliverable sets the ground for the development and implementation of the DSO interface, following the functional specification carried out in the previous deliverable, D4.1 Technical specification of DSO standard interface application, of this work package, which detailed the functional specification of DSO standard interface application.
This document consists of a Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Plan, following an Integrated Marketing Strategy approach, to reach the expected outcomes. The plan outlined in this document focuses on the period that goes from the beginning of the project (M1) until its end (M48).
This deliverable provides an analysis for security and privacy principles to be applied in Interconnect ICT ecosystems.
This deliverable aims to provide the practice plan on security, cybersecurity and privacy protection applied in the different pilots and the InterConnect interoperability framework.
This document includes a presentation of input-process-output cycle assessment for each function. This cycle assessment considers: 1) how the network assets, models, and data should be fetched/pushed, from/to a DSO’s legacy system in the market to make the most of the resources of the market (assets, players) for optimal operations and 2) the operation phases and ontologies such as SAREF/openAPI communication that are required.
This deliverable contains the results of the T(ask) 2.4 (“Semantic interoperability framework”) that produced the InterConnect interoperable and secure standards and ontologies.
This document provides support to D5.4 that overviews the software components developed in WP5 as part of the Interoperability Framework (IF) and finalizes milestone 8.
This document provides overview of the SIF software components and methodologies developed and defined within WP5.

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