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Energy crisis hits climate crisis – a German approach for standardised energy control in the low-voltage grid

Across Europe this winter season has brought to light an issue of unprecedented explosiveness – the fear of power blackouts. Two main reasons for the [...]
January 19, 2023

InterConnected users at the heart of the EU energy transition

The EU institutions have put citizens at the heart of the EU energy transition - energy communities and collective actions are gaining both popularity and importance. What are they precisely and will they revolutionise the EU energy market?
Th!nk E
April 8, 2021

How can users be involved in the development of new smart energy management services?

One of the final objectives of InterConnect project is the participation of consumers in effective energy management.
Jeanne Piedallu
October 27, 2020

Interoperability as a requirement

Energy demand and production must be harmonized by use of the devices’ flexibility, automized financial benefits on the demand and production side and grid connectivity.
Ralph-Ino Prümm
March 9, 2020